Department of Mathematical Informatics | Graduate School of Informatics | Nagoya University

Research Seminars

I'm co-organizing an international Zoom seminar for computability theorists:
Computability Theory and Applications Online Seminar

I'm also co-organizing a local seminar with Prof. Matsubara and Prof. Yoshinobu:
Nagoya Logic Seminar

Theses Supervised

I supervised 6 Master theses:

I supervised 5 Bachelor theses:

Are you interested in joining us?

If you are interested in joining us as a student, please see the following admissions informations:

For a short visit, we can also host the following program offered by the JSPS:

If you are interested in joining us as a post-doctoral researcher:


FY 2021:

FY 2020: FY 2019: FY 2018: FY 2017: